Wednesday 7 October 2009

Transform Your Life and Live Free From Fear - Grab This Valuable Free Ebook!

Imagine Living Your Life Without Fear

Fear can be a powerful influence in your life, often determining the actions you take or don’t take in many situations. At various times fear has probably stopped you from pursuing goals, making new friends, starting or keeping a romantic relationship, applying for a better job, starting your own business, or life changes that you would consider to be positive.

Can you imagine what it would be like to live your life without fear? Obviously you can’t eliminate fear altogether, nor would you want to. Some fears help keep you safe by discouraging you from jumping off a cliff or stepping into a line of fast-moving traffic. But the other kind of fears; the ones that prevent you from living the life of your dreams – how would it feel to release those once and for all?

For example:

Imagine if you had absolutely no fear of failure and you knew that you could accomplish anything you wanted – no limitations whatsoever. What would you do with your life? Would you change careers? Would you go back to school? Would you write that novel?

Imagine if you knew without a doubt that you deserved to have everything you want, and you had no doubts that you weren’t good enough or worthy enough. Would you finally allow yourself to get out and meet that special someone, fall in love and live happily ever after? Would you terminate the unhealthy relationships that are no longer serving you and haven’t been for years?

Imagine if you were no longer afraid to pursue your dreams and instead eagerly embraced opportunities to live every experience you wanted to live. What would you do if you could do anything at all?

You may be thinking “It’s great to imagine all this but I still feel fearful much of the time. I’m still afraid to fail. I’m still afraid to be rejected. I’m still afraid to take a chance. How do I get past those scary feelings?”

First of all, forgive yourself for being human. It’s completely natural to have these feelings, and there is nothing wrong with you – your body is wired to react strongly to potentially threatening situations. Your body can’t tell whether the threatening situation is truly harmful or not; it simply gives you the warning signs like a pounding heart, sweaty palms, shallow breathing, tightening muscles, and so on. Fear can be pretty darn intimidating – no doubt about it!

However, it’s important to understand that fear is just a feeling when it comes right down to it. It can’t physically hold you back from doing anything, and it can’t limit your potential unless you allow it to do so. Overcoming the influence of fear so you can live an amazing life is a simple matter of knowing how to diffuse the fearful feelings in the heat of the moment. This can be done in a variety of ways, including the use of calming affirmations, meditation, and breath work. When you calm the thoughts that are triggering the fear response, your body will automatically calm down too.
Alternatively download the new Free ebook – 22 Powerful Tools To Transform Your Fear Into Happiness, Peace and Inspiration. Click Here!– Crammed full of valuable tips, exercises and ideas – it could be the most important ebook you read this year.

Friday 24 October 2008

Remedy Your Common Cold

The common cold can sneak up on us in a matter of hours. One minute you may feel fine and the next minute you begin to experience symptoms of fatigue. Runny nose, sore throat, and body aches are just a few of the side effects which accompany a common cold. This particular virus can easily stop us in our tracks. We often feel so worn out that we can't complete the simplest tasks. So what are some of the quickest ways to cure the effects of the common cold?

There are several different remedies which aid in quick recovery. One of the best ways to fight the common cold quickly, or even to prevent it from attacking our body all together, is by strengthening our immune system. Your immune system needs rest and proper nutrition in order for it to function properly. So when you are sick, try to consume foods that improve immunity. And when your body is telling you that you need sleep, you should listen. Pulling all nighters weakens your immune system and makes you more susceptible to viruses.

Another way to cure the common cold is by drinking plenty of hot liquids. If you have the options of staying in bed when you experience your first cold symptoms, you should do so. While in bed drink plenty of hot liquids. This will cause your body to sweat and flush out some of the bacteria. Another proven product in curing the common cold is garlic. Many people will grind up some fresh garlic and place it on a sandwich when they experience the first symptoms of a cold. Garlic helps your body fight against the cold virus. So the next time you are stricken with the cold bug, try applying some of these cures into your routine.
Lauren S. Johnson writes health articles about fitness and nutrition.